Not the fact that Bristish Gas did finally connect the supply, nor the fact that BT (after many bodges)eventually installed the phone lines, but the fact that thanks to our kind customers we have had our busiest and biggest month ever. We’re so relieved that we moved just in time. There is no way we could have managed the volume of work from our old premises.
February came and went in a blur and I haven’t even managed a photo for this blog. Our new workshops are proving fantastic and a really nice place to work from. Now that we're warm and connected to the world it's all good. We’ve nearly finished all the work we wanted to do on it. Just a bit of flooring and some blinds to fit and then we’ll be very ready to welcome everybody. We may even have a opening party (which by putting it in this blog will make me get around to organising it!).
The various artists who we do work for seem busy and we’ve seen some very nice works coming through. I may start putting some images on the blog as they come in. There is so much nice stuff that never gets seen – I really must do something about it. I'll add it to my list.