Friday, 22 November 2013

Loads of new things!

So, in my last blog I said “hopefully in November we won’t have to buy anything” . . . famous last words. The trusty company van has had to be changed. As we now seem to be delivering frames further and further afield for our corporate customers, the old bone-rattler was getting a bit out of puff on these long motorway runs. The last 11 hour run (yes, 11 hours!) to Dorchester left me feeling like I’d been in gripping an egg whisk for a day. I was shaken, but not stirred!

Although we’re sad to see our fabulous old van stripped of its graphics and have a ‘for sale’ sign slung around its neck, we’re delighted to get a nearly new shiny version that’s ready to get it’s On the Edge ‘stripes’ fitted. It even accelerates and has rear doors that don’t let in a howling gale - progress indeed!

And that’s not all this month, our band of 4 has been increased to 5½. Our team of framers has been joined by 'the new boy'.  Jonny has 12 years experience framing in one of the London galleries and it’s great to get another capable pair of hands helping us at the framing benches. We needed him !

And every business needs a nice bubbly youngster (even younger than Jess) to tackle those routine chores that never seem to get done by the rest of us. So next week sees Maddy (a student at Robert Smyth) join us part-time, ready to wrestle the back log of filing and numerous other forsaken tasks! So when you visit our workshop, do say hi to Jonny and Maddie.

The photo shows Jonny and Sheenac (yes, that is how you spell her name), only because it’s very rare to get a photo of Shenac, so we’ll take what we get!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Spot the Difference

It feels a bit like winter - which is probably okay as it is now November. So as usual my blog start with an exclamation of how quickly the last month went! We’ve been running to catch up with everyone keen to get things framed - so thanks again to all our customers. 

Our blogs seems to be a constant tale of new framing and giclĂ©e printing equipment. In October we changed our reliable old Canon 8100 for a new 8400. They tell me it’s better, but I’m not quite sure what that means! See if you can spot the difference - for few thousand quid we seem to have got a grey printer instead of a cream one. They also changed a few buttons just to keep me on my toes.

Hopefully in November we won’t have to buy anything - we’ve certainly got no room for anything else. Does anybody have a spare workshop unit please . . . . . . . ?