Friday, 27 August 2010

We Finally Did It !

Jules is Pleased
Having said that we were thinking about getting a Computerised Mount Cutter we’ve finally bitten the bullet and have had a nice shiny new machine whirring away in the studio for a couple of months now. Frighteningly (having just looked back at the previous blog) it was April when we were thinking about it and I said something’s got to go. Well something did go – my workbench! So Jules gets a new toy and I get crammed in the corner! Actually it all works quite well, but don’t let on !

Like most new bits of equipment we’ve bought over the years, Jules is adamant she doesn’t need it. Once installed however, woe betides anyone who tries to part her from it.

Jules Fathoming the Software
It’s a fab piece of equipment that saves us a huge amount of time. It arrived in the nick of time to help us through what has been a truly hectic and busy summer period (thank you to our customers who kept us busy). To date we’ve only used it for basic mounts, but it does have a whole host of tricks and features for cutting fantastically creative mount designs with ‘V’ grooves, multi apertures and embossing. So once we’ve had time to play with all these new features we’ll be able to offer even more exciting mounts to our customers.